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Sunday, June 13, 2010


Places to visit brazil
The Amazon rain forest occupies an area of over one million square miles in Brazil alone. It stretches over the entire northern section of the country and parts of the Mato Grosso and Maranhao states.
This massive rainforest is one of the few areas on land that has not yet been fully explored. The Amazon is home to many diverse and exotic flora and fauna. The climate is hot and humid. Annual average temperatures for this area are around 26°C. This area experiences considerable rain annually.
Charting the population of the Amazon is difficult given the sheer size and wilderness of the forest. At last count, the population of the Brazilian part of the Amazon was estimated to be around 500,000.
The Amazon is inhabited by many indigenous tribes each with their own unique culture; the largest of these are the Yanomami.
Aracaju is situated in the northeastern part of Brazil and is the capital city of the State of Sergipe. The distance from Salvador is 350 kilometers. Aracaju is one of the first cities to be planned in Brazil with the aim of becoming the state capital. The city is situated on right bank of the estuary of the Sergipe River and is about 10 kilometers from its mouth. The major industries in this city are tanneries, textiles, cotton mills and sugar-refining. The society of this city mainly exports potassium, coconuts, vegetable oils, rice, coffee, hides, sugar and cotton. The population of Aracaju is around 505,286. This is almost one-third of the state population.There is a typical tropical climate in Aracaju. The warmest month is January with temperatures ranging from 22 to 32 degrees Celsius. The coolest month is July with temperatures altering from 17 to 27 degrees Celsius along with rain.
Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte was founded in 1897 and it was the first planned city of the country. It replaced Ouro Preto as Minas Gerais’ capital. The central urban nucleus still preserves the original trace of the streets. Its population, that nowadays is more than 2 millions, enjoys one of the best life qualities in the country. The climate is pleasant all the year. It’s a modern metropolis, but it preserves the old mineiras traditions. The buildings with recent construction and the dynamic economy based on commerce and services are there with historical buildings and the delicious regional cookery. It’s a city with a full agenda of cultural events. And it offers several options to a grooving life night. Belo Horizonte is famous because of its bars. Beagá, as it’s called, offers historical and art museums and beautiful parks, as Municipal, a large green space in the city center appropriate for hikes. Parque das Mangabeiras (Mangabeira's Park), with more than 2 million m² in the urban zone, offers routings with hikes through the forest. Another option is riding on Serra do Curral (Curral's Mound) in one of the city sides.
Cuiabá is the capital of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. It is located in the middle of three Brazilian ecosystems: the Amazon to the north, Cerrados (savannah land) to the east and the Pantanal (lowlands) to the south.
The climate is tropical, warm with rainfall. The annual average temperature is around 28°C. It is best not to travel between August and October, when it is hot.
The city has been a popular destination for explorers, who either set out for river expeditions or in search of gold. Cuiabá was founded in 1727 in the aftermath of the discovery of gold.
Cuiabá was home to several Native Americans and Africans (who came as slaves) after which it was colonised by the Portuguese, lending to its multicultural atmosphere. The population of 540,000 is mainly employed in the service sector, notably tourism
Two words define the capital of Ceará State: sun and party. Sun is absolute on 25 kilometers of beaches. Party is the permanent state of spirit of the people and the city. Forró, typical musical style on the region of northeast, is on the people’s blood, on the beaches, on the bars, on the restaurants, on the hotels, in the dance clubs... on the streets of Fortaleza.If people’s happiness and hospitality and the cultural animation are characteristics that make people love Fortaleza at the first sight, other elements also contribute to include the city on the required route of the visitor on Brazil’s northeast. Modern capital, it has become one of the preferred beach of Brazilian and Latin-American visitors due to the combination of a privileged nature with an excellent infrastructure, sophisticated tourist equipments, good reception and services.
Goiânia is the capital of the Brazilian state of Goiás. Situated in the Meia Ponte River valley, this modern, bustling city has thick vegetation, with many trees lining its streets.
Founded in 1933, this city is strategically closely located to major cities such as Brasília, São Paulo, and Belo Horizonte. Goiânia is built on a concentric radius, with all the main avenues converging at the Praça Cívica in the middle of the city.
The climate is tropical, warm and humid. The annual average temperature is around 22°C. A good time to visit is between May and August, when the temperature is low, and the rainfall minimal.
Being a metropolitan city, the population is around 1,200,000 and most of the locals are engaged in commerce and industry.
Macapá is the capital of the Brazilian state of Amapá. Macapá is a corruption of the Tupi (indigenous language) word ‘macapaba’, or ‘Place of many Bacabas’ (local fruit).
Macapá lies in the heart of the Amazon delta and is thus home to diverse flora and fauna. Situated on the river Amazon, it is an important river port. The climate is equatorial, warm with plenty of rainfall. The annual average temperature is about 27°C. Travel can be avoided between January and June, when the rainfall is especially heavy.
In the seventeenth century, Macapá was the scene of fighting between the French who were occupying Guyana and the Portuguese in Brazil. The population of 370,000 is mainly employed in the manufacturing sector and in commerce.
The city Natal was originated on Forte dos Reis Magos (Reis Magos Fort). In December 25th., 1599, Portugueses arrived at Rio Grande do Norte to expulse the Frenchs that were in the possession of that part of the coastline. And on the mouth of the Potengi river, they started to rise up a fort to protect the territory.Now that fort is one attraction on the city, which is one of the most preferred by the tourists. It’s simple to understand why: Natal has beautiful beaches, blue and warm sea, dunes and sun the whole year.Besides that, it has an excellent infrastructure for hosting visitors. On Via Costeira, an avenue that border some of its beaches, there’s a suite of resorts and good hotels, that offer a lot of comfort and leisure. Nearby, on the Ponta Negra beach, there are hundreds of small, simple and warmth inns.
Paraty is situated on the Bay of Ilha Grande in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. About 1 kilometer behind the town one can find waterfalls, mountains and tropical forests.
The population of this town as per the 2005 census is 33,062. During summer, there are afternoon rains and sea breezes reduce the heat. February is the wettest month and the temperature varies from 16 to 30 degrees Celsius.
The culture of this place is marked by several musical events and local festivals on Catholic holy dates. Some of the prominent are the Feast of the Holy Ghost and the International Literary Festival of Paraty.
Porto Velho
Porto Velho is the capital of the Brazilian state of Rondônia. The name ‘Porto Velho’ means ‘Old Port’, and the city grew as a port on the banks of the river Madeira.
Porto Velho expanded after the construction of the Madeira-Mamoré Railroad. Initially, the city’s development was directly connected to the railway’s activities, but Porto Velho prospered during the rubber boom, and later with the discovery of gold and cassiterite (mineral).
The climate is equatorial, warm with plenty of rainfall. The annual average temperature is around 27°C. A good time to visit is between May and October when the rainfall is low.
With a population of 370,000, the main economic activity is mining. The town is also an important trading centre of cassiterite.
Rio de Janeiro
The first Portuguese explorers that arrived at Guabanara bay were amazed because of its extraordinary beauty. Rio de Janeiro grew up to the sides of the bay, the Marvelous City. Fantasy name to a perfect combination of sea, earth, climate and people.A nice mixture of the Indian, White and Black cultures, fermented in a magnificent natural scenery. Cosmopolitan city, Brazil’s capital for almost 200 years, Rio de Janeiro is one of the most main culture centers on the country, with a lot of cinemas, theaters, museums, rooms of concert, show houses, art galleries and libraries. Big gastronomical zone, the restaurants on the city offer a lot of options, from international cookery to typical dishes from all Brazilian regions.Very few cities in the world are able to concentrate, in a very cool way, all the little icons that makes life a party: beach, sun, samba, frozen beer, tasteful food, football, beautiful people, streets with light curves that lead to little tropical forests. Rio de Janeiro is an intense modernity, and it’s also a quotidian meeting with the past. The baroque art found in churches and monasteries, the deco art found in very preserved residential facades, the modernist architecture from 1950’s: all of these elements make Rio a witness of its own history.Rio is a city that echoes, vibrates. With the sound of surdos, tabors, tambourines and cuicas, that mark the compass of Carnival. With the explosion of a goal in Maracanã stadium, where 170 thousand people support their football teams.With the roaring of the waves in the rocks and with the colourful crack of fireworks in the Réveillon. Rio pulsates in a permanent celebration to life.
Sao Goncalo
In the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Goncalo is a municipality. It is spread over an area of 249 square kilometers. After the capital, it is the second most populous city. In the past it was the third largest populous city, however it was promoted after Mesquita split off from Nova Iguacu. Sao Goncalo is exactly located on Guanabara Bay opposite the city of Rio de Janeiro. The city is reputed as a manufacturing center and a distribution point. Basically, Sao Goncalo is an industrial city. This city lies on the banks of the Riacho River. The vibrant processing and manufacturing industry in this city produces pharmaceuticals, glass works, chemicals and cement.As per the 2006 census, the population of Sao Goncalo was 0.973 million.The mean value of high temperature varies from 88.3 to 96.3 degrees Fahrenheit. The mean value of low temperature alters from 67.1 to 71.2 degrees Fahrenheit. The precipitation is maximum in March which is 10.2 inches.
Teresina, the first planned city in Brazil, is the capital of the state of Piauí. The name ‘Teresina’ is a tribute to Lady Teresa Cristina, last Empress of Brazil.
Located between two rivers, Parnaíba and Poti, Teresina has often been referred to as ‘Mesopotamia of the Northeast’. It has also been called ‘Green City’, owing to the many trees lining its streets. The area surrounding Teresina is called ‘Chapada do Corisco’ (flash lightning flatlands) as it has the third highest rate of lightning incidences worldwide.
The climate is tropical, warm and humid. It is the hottest Brazilian capital, where the temperature averages 28°C. The best time to visit is between May and November, when the temperature is relatively lower.
With a population of 750,000, the locals are mainly engaged in commerce and industry.
About 150 kilometers from the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southwest of Rio de Janeiro state is a municipality called Angra dos Reis. Its municipal boundaries are as follows – Atlantic Ocean to the South, Parati towards the West, Mangaratiba towards the East, Rio Claro towards the Northeast and Bananal and Sao Jose do Barreiro towards the North. It is separated from Sao Paulo by 411 kilometers, Barra Mansa by 89 kilometers, Parati by 99 kilometers and Ubatuba by 170 kilometers. Angra dos Reis, Brazil is reputed for its coastline which is made up of the Bay of Ilha Grande. This bay is a pristine and beautiful setting that has 365 islands.The population of Angra dos Reis is 119,247.There is no dry season in Angra dos Reis and the climate is overall hot and humid. The maximum temperature varies from 27 to 30 degrees Celsius and the minimum changes from 18 to 21 degrees Celsius. The mean annual temperature of this region remains at 24 degrees Celsius.
In Brazil lies the Minas Gerais State towards the southwest of which is a municipality and city called as Araxa. The area of this municipality is 1,283 square kilometes and the urban perimeter makes up 345 square kilometers. The lowest point in this city is Rio Capivara with an altitude of 910 meters and the highest point is Serra da Bocaina at 1,359 meters. The average elevation of the city is 973 meters. The neighboring municipalities are as follows – towards the Southwest is Sacramento, towards the South is Tapira, towards the East is Ibia and towards the North and Northwest is Perdizes. The state capital, Belo Horizonte, is 375 kilometers away. The distance from Rio de Janeiro is 848 kilometers, Brasilia is 600 kilometers while Sao Paulo is 549 kilometers.The population of Araxa is the year 2007 was 87,764.The yearly average temperature in 2004 was 20.98 degrees Celsius and the average rainfall was 1,905 millimeters.
Boa Vista
Boa Vista is the capital of the Brazilian state of Roraima. The name ‘Boa Vista’ can be translated as ‘Nice Sight’ from Portuguese.
Boa Vista is renowned amongst all the capitals in northern Brazil due to its city plan, which is centred on a radial axis. Thus, all the main avenues converge at the Praça do Centro Cívico (Civic Centre plaza) in the middle of the city.
The climate in Boa Vista is tropical, warm and humid. The average annual temperature is around 27°C, without much rainfall. Winter is the best time to visit.
Originally inhabited by indigenous peoples, immigration to Boa Vista began in 1980, with the discovery of gold and diamonds. Population growth has been slow, as Boa Vista is far from any major urban centres. With a population of 250,000, the locals are mainly engaged in commercial activities.
In the interior region of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, there is a county (municipio) and city called as Campinas. It is the third largest city in the state following Sao Paulo and Guarulhos. The area of the county is 797.6 square kilometers. Out of the total population, more than 98 percent is in the urban region. Campinas is located on the central plateau. The society at this place has given rise to textile industry, sugar refining, food industries and metallurgical factories. It is a coffee-trading center and a major transportation hub. The city has developed into a processing and distribution center for a diversified agricultural region.The population of Campinas as per the 2004 estimate was 1.059 million.Campinas is blessed with excellent climate all around the year and for more than 200 days in a year there are sunny and hot days. The average yearly temperature is 22.4 degrees Celsius and this varies from 7.2 degrees Celsius to 35.9 degrees Celsius.

With a population of more than one million and a half inhabitants, Paraná state's capital is considered a standard city. The innovating solutions to the urban planning, the concern about environment revealed on the parks and cycle lanes and the cultural equipments that humanize life on the city make Curitiba one of best living quality places on the country.Curitiba was one of the preferred places of European immigrants that arrived on Brazil since the XIX century – mainly Germans, Italians, Polishes and Ukrainians. The presence of these people had a great influence on the way of city. Besides the typical accents, the cookery of the restaurants reveals the origins of its population.
Foz de Iguacu

Foz de Iguacu is situated about 650 kilometers towards the west of Curitiba, the capital city of Parana state in Brazil.
It is the fourth largest city in Parana state. The population of this city is about 0.309 million.
There is a sub tropical climate with two different seasons – a hot and humid summer and dry and cool winter.

In the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, the second largest city is called as Guarulhos. This is a suburb of the Sao Paulo city itself. This is the 12th largest incorporated city in the country. This city is spread over an area of 318 square kilometers. In the entire world, this is the tenth largest suburb. The origin of the word “Guarulhos” is in the Tupi language and this means “Eaters, big-bellied people.” The name refers to the initial indigenous people in this region. About 22 kilometers from the Sao Paulo city center, in the Guarulhos municipality, the Guarulhos International Airport is located. This is also nicknamed Cumbica. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Guarulhos has its seat in this city.The population of Guarulhos as per the 2006 census is 1.283 million. The average warmest month and highest temperatures in Guarulhos is during February. The average coolest month is July. During January, the maximum precipitation takes place.

The city of Maceio is located on the north-eastern coast of Brazil in the state of Alagoas. Maceio is the capital of Alagoas.
The city is located between the Mundau Lake and the Atlantic coast and consists of beautiful beaches, blue lagoons and sand banks. The climate is tropical, hot and humid. Between the months of May and September, the city experiences considerable rainfall.
Maceio has a population of approximately 1,200,000 people. The main ethnic groups consist of the descendants of the Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, French and English. There is also a large population of mixed racial heritage and a small African population.
The city has a unique culture that is reflected in the arts and crafts, cuisine and customs. The official language is Portuguese, though English and Spanish are also spoken in some parts.
Nova Iguacu
In the Rio de Janeiro state in southeast Brazil, there is a city called as Nova Iguacu. In the past, it was the second largest city in the state. However, after Mesquita was split off, it was demoted as the fourth largest state after Duque de Caxias and Sato Goncalo. To the Southeast of Nova Iguacu lies Rio de Janeiro on the periphery of the metropolitan region. The society is comprised of a large number of low-income emigrants who have come from Northeastern Brazil. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Nova Iguacu has its seat in this city. Nova Iguacu is influenced by Rio de Janeiro as the Nova is its suburb. There are numerous people who reside in Nova Iguacu but commute on a daily basis to Rio.The population of Nova Iguacu was 0.845 million. The temperature in Nova Iguacu varies from 12 to 28 degrees Celsius and the rainfall is maximum during December (17.86 centimeters) and January (18.53 centimeters).
Porto Alegre
Porto Alegre is one of the largest city in Brazil, and is the capital of Rio Grande do Sul. Today the capital city of the “gauchos” has almost 3.600.000 of inhabitants. The city is located on the banks of the Guaiba Lake (River) and the main population is concentrated in the Zona Norte (northern zone). This city is one of the most important industrial center in the South of Brazil. Porto Alegre is known for its intense and fun nightlife. The most touristic aspect of Porto Alegre is the nightlife: here you can find many places to dance and a diversity of bars. Porto Alegre has a strategic position and is an important stopping point for travellers and students: here are located several important Brazilian University as PUCRS and UFRGS. In this city you can also find good places to surf and relax yourselves.
The city of Recife is located in the north-eastern part of Brazil. It is also the capital of the state of Pernambuco.
The city is built on the Atlantic coast and is surrounded by rivers, islands and mangroves. The climate is tropical and tempered by the influence of the Atlantic. The average temperature is 27°C, round the year. The city also experiences a lot of rainfall, especially in the month of June.
Recife has a population of approximately 1,500,000 people. Most of the population has descended from the Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, French and English. There are also many people of mixed racial heritage and a small population of African origin.
The city was founded by Dutch colonizers and their influence can be traced in the city’s culture and architecture. Many of Brazil’s famous writers and poets were born here.

The city of Salvador is located in the north-eastern part of Brazil. It covers an area of 706,800 square kilometres and is the capital of the state of Bahia.
The topography is diverse with rolling hills, low mountains, sandy beaches and mangrove swamps. The city is divided into two parts by a steep escarpment. The climate is tropical with warm temperatures and high levels of humidity.
Salvador has a population of approximately 2,712,000 people. Most of the populace is of African descent. Other significant ethnic groups include the Portuguese, Italians and the Spanish.
The culture is greatly influenced by the African origins of the inhabitants and is represented in the unique styles of music, cuisine, theatre and literature. Salvador is also considered to be the birth place of the marital dance form known as Capoeira.
The city of Salvador is located in the north-eastern part of Brazil. It covers an area of 706,800 square kilometres and is the capital of the state of Bahia.
The topography is diverse with rolling hills, low mountains, sandy beaches and mangrove swamps. The city is divided into two parts by a steep escarpment. The climate is tropical with warm temperatures and high levels of humidity.
Salvador has a population of approximately 2,712,000 people. Most of the populace is of African descent. Other significant ethnic groups include the Portuguese, Italians and the Spanish.
The culture is greatly influenced by the African origins of the inhabitants and is represented in the unique styles of music, cuisine, theatre and literature. Salvador is also considered to be the birth place of the marital dance form known as Capoeira.
Sao Luis

São Luís, capital of the Brazilian state of Maranhão, is located on the São Luís Island in the Atlantic Ocean.
As São Luís is a port city, its chief economy activity is trade. A substantial part of Brazil’s iron ore is exported from this centre. São Luís is known as ‘Ilha do Amor’ (Island of Love), for its many poets and writers.
The climate is tropical, warm and humid. The annual average temperature is about 27°C. Travel can be avoided during the period of heavy rainfall, between January and July.
Apart from the Portuguese, the island was occupied by the French and Dutch for short periods. The African slaves and the native Indian tribes have also lent to the multicultural atmosphere of São Luís. The population of 990,000 is mainly engaged in the manufacturing sector.
Vitória is the capital of the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo. Founded in 1551, Vitória is one of the three Brazilian capitals built on islands. It is an archipelago formed by 33 islets and is strategically closely located to major urban centres like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
As Vitória is a port city, its chief economy activity is trade. Earlier an agricultural town, the increased trading spurred the city’s modernization and has made it a major exporter of oil and steel.
The climate is tropical, warm and humid. The annual average temperature is about 27°C. The ideal time to visit is between May and September, when the temperature is the least.
The city is an eclectic mix of Germans, Portuguese and native Americans. With a population of 1,600,000, the locals are mainly employed in the manufacturing and service sectors.
Mato Grosso do Sul is a Brazilian state where the municipality called Aquidauana, Brazil is located. It is spread over an area of 16,959 square kilometers. This distance of Aquidauana from Campo Grande is 148 kilometers. Tourists come to this place for sightseeing and fishing. If the prime motive of visiting this place is fishing, there is an availability of a fishing boat with simple bedroom amenities. Tourists are also offered farm accommodation as per the culture of this place, where the tourists can experience the daily routine of the local people. Most of the farms have their own boats, horses and vehicles.The population of Aquidauana as per the 2006 census was 46,469.The average yearly temperature is from 24 to 25 degrees Celsius. December to March is the rainy season when the temperature may increase to more than 40 degrees sometimes. Winter is the dry season which stretches from May to September. People may need a jacket during this season.
Belém is the capital of and the largest city in the Brazilian state of Pará. The name ‘Belém’ is Portuguese for Bethlehem. Formed from a number of islands, Belém has several indentations and recesses.
Belém is referred to as ‘Cidade das Mangueiras’ (or City of Mango trees) due to the numerous mango trees found in the city. Founded in 1616, Belém was built with the intention of developing it into a water port.
The climate is equatorial, warm with plentiful of rainfall. The average temperature is 27°C. Travel can be avoided between January and May, when the rainfall is the heaviest.
Colonised by the French and the British, the city expanded economically only after the nineteenth-century rubber boom. With a population of around 2,100,000, most locals are engaged in commerce and industry.

In the center of Brazilian's territory is one of the most originals cities of the world, Brasilia. It's created by Lúcio Costa architect and inaugurated in 1960, the federal capital is one of the few modernist urban projects that get rid of the small planks to become reality. It has a bird format in which the body and big open wings are two large perpendicular shafts. On Brasilia is located Brazilian federal department and political power. The main departments of executive power, legislature and judiciary occupies buildings designed by architects of international renown, among them is Oscar Niemeyer. This combination of plain city, which shows off real art handiworks from modern architecture exposed in large spaces, gives to the city a unique scenery of the world.
Campo Grande

Campo Grande is the capital of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Campo Grande chiefly acts a gateway for ecotourism to other destinations in Brazil such as Bonito and Pantanal.
Campo Grande means ‘Big Field’ in Portuguese, and is full of pastures and grasslands. For this reason, it has been termed as the ‘Brown City’ as well.
The climate is tropical, warm and humid. The annual average temperature is around 23°C. Summer is the best time to visit, owing to a pleasant temperature and minimal rainfall.
The population of 765,000 largely consists of immigrants from Germany, Japan, Paraguay and Bolivia, thus providing Campo Grande with an eclectic mix of people and diverse cultures. As Campo Grande is an important tourist spot, most locals are employed in the service sector.

Florianópolis is at an island that receives the same state name of which is capital: Santa Catarina. Santa Catarina. It occupies a land portion, besides near the coast, the visitor never forgets he is in a special place.It is surrounded by a blue sea, which bathes many wonderful beaches. The major part of its area is part of environmental reserves. Although progress has modernized the city, it preserves many cultural heritages.The natural beauties of the island attract many people, not only in Brazil, but also in neighbour countries, especially Argentines, Uruguayan, Paraguayan and Chilean tourists who seek its beaches on summer.There are beaches of different formats: little bays or with long strip of land; with powerful or calm waves such as lakes; crowded of bathers which agitate them or almost deserts; urbanized or hidden ones and with access only by trails. Divers, as well fishermen and surfing, windsurfing and sailing follower, who found good places for practicing their sports.
Foz do Iguaçu

In Brazil is located the Parana state where the fourth largest city is Foz du Iguacu. It is also the eleventh largest city in the Southern region of Brazil. Curitiba, which is the capital city of Parana, is separated from Foz do Iguacu by 650 kilometers. Foz do Iguacu lies in the western region of the state. Those who reside in this city are termed as iguacuenses. The society in this city is made up of several immigrant communities like Ukrainians, Portuguese, Swedes, French, Palestinians, Argentines, Paraguayans, Lebanese, Italians, Germans, Chinese and Arabs.The population of Foz do Iguacu is 0.309 million as per the 2006 census.The average yearly temperature of Foz do Iguacu is 23.8 degrees Celsius. In the summer, this may soar to 47 degrees Celsius and in the winter may drop to -5 degrees Celsius. As the city has relatively low altitude, the climate is usually warm or hot all around the year.
Joao Pessoa
João Pessoa is the capital of the Brazilian state of Paraíba. The city received its name as a tribute to João Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, a politician born in Paraíba.
The ‘Ponta do Seixas’ or the ‘Point where the Sun rises First’ is located in João Pessoa, the easternmost city in the Americas. The third oldest city in Brazil, it also ranks second worldwide in terms of greenery.
The climate is tropical, warm with rainfall. The average annual temperature is about 26°C. Travel can be avoided between March and August, when there are heavy showers.
Due to its strategic location on river Paraíba and its ample natural resources, João Pessoa was occupied by the Dutch and Portuguese. The population of about 672,000 is mainly engaged in tourism and industrial activities.

The capital of the Amazonas State was founded in the second half of the XVII century, with the construction of the Forte de São José da Barra do Rio Negro (São José da Barra do Rio Negro Fort), created to protect the region against the invasion of foreigners.The name Manaus is a reference to the Indian manaós, who lived there. During so many years, the city lived almost isolated. However, from the XIX century, the growth of the international commerce of rubber, whose raw material was extracted from native rubber trees of the forest, Manaus start to be attractive to the businessmen from all over the world.On the end of the XIX century, the wealth produced by the exportation of rubber financed the construction, in the middle of the tropical forest, of luxurious buildings that reproduced the architectonic styles that were in the high European fashion.On one of the major symbol of the economic development from that period, the Teatro Amazonas (Amazonas Theater), there were exhibitions of famous European opera companies.

Palmas is the capital of the Brazilian state of Tocantins. The name ‘Palmas’ was chosen as a mark of respect to the judicial district of São João da Palma, headquarters of the first Separatist Movement of the region. Another factor that inspired the name ‘Palmas’ was the abundant number of palm trees in this region.
The climate is tropical, warm and humid. The annual average temperature is approximately 26°C, and the best time to visit is between March and July, when the temperature is the lowest, and the rainfall minimal.
Founded in 1990 with a city plan similar to Brasilia, Palmas is the newest capital city in Brazil.
With recent economic development, this region has faced an influx of migrants. The population of approximately 220,000 is mainly engaged in commerce and industry.
Porto Seguro

Porto Seguro,a municipality in the state of Bahia in Brazil and is located in the Central Atlantic coast. A major tourist destination in the recent times, it is the place where the Portuguese explorer Pedro Cabral set foot in Brazil. Located midway between Salvador and Vitoria it is spread over 0.9 square miles of area. With a population of 140,000 the city is a notable tourist destination with beaches and historical architecture reminiscent of the colonial past.The economy of Porto Seguro is reliant on agriculture, fishing, cattle raising and tourism. The tourist hotspots in Porto Seguro include its many beaches and a great nightlife. The beach kiosks offer shows day and night, dance lessons, restaurants and other outdoor activities. The beaches itself are marked by white sands and clear green water.There are also plenty of attractions like the street and beach parties, the historical buildings and the golf courses. The climate of Porto Seguro is hot and humid with more than average rainfall.
Founded in 1882, Rio Branco is the capital of and the largest city in the Brazilian state of Acre. Located on the banks of the river Acre, the name ‘Rio Branco’ can be translated as ‘White River’ from Portuguese.
Rio Branco

Rio Branco received its name as a tribute to José Maria da Silva Paranhos, the Baron of Rio Branco (an important Brazilian statesman), who in 1903 succeeded in resolving the dispute between Brazil and Bolivia over the territory of Acre by diplomatic means.
The climate is equatorial, warm with plenty of rainfall. The average annual temperature is 25°C. It is best to avoid travel in the rainy season that lasts from November till February.
The population of about 300,000 mainly practices farming and cultivation due to easy access to fertile soil and abundant rainfall.
Sao Bernardo do Campo

Located in the municipality in Greater Sao Paolo in Sao Paolo, Brazil Sao Bernardo do Campo is a city founded by Joao Ramalho in 1553. It is located on a tributary of the Tiete River. Once a farm owned by the Benedictine monks, Sao Bernardo do Campo has seen an influx of immigrants like the Italian and the Japanese. Occupying an area of 157.2 square miles, it is located in the Mountain Range of the sea and has a humid subtropical climate.Relying on the automobile manufacturing industry for its economic growth, the city has the headquarters of the first vehicle manufactures like Volkswagen and Land rover. Other important industries are of furniture and chemicals.Sao Bernardo do Campo is the second most populous city in Sao Paolo with a population of 803,906 as per the census of 2006.
Sao Paulo
The city of Sao Paulo is located in the south-eastern part of Brazil. It covers an area of 1,530 square kilometres and is the capital of the state of Sao Paulo.
The city is located on the Brazilian Highlands at an altitude of 800 m. The climate is warm and mild with temperatures averaging the mid-twenties in the summer months.
Sao Paulo city has a population of over 11 million people. It is the most populous city in the Southern Hemisphere. The city is characterised by its ethnic diversity. The inhabitants of this city are known as paulistanos and claim descent from Italians, the Portuguese, Africans, Germans, the Lebanese and the Japanese. The culture of the city is a smorgasbord of the different ethnicities of its inhabitants. Portuguese is the official language, but German, Japanese, Arabic and Spanish are also widely spoken.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Nine places to visit malaysia
Kuala Lumpur
The capital and largest city of Malaysia. It is located in the heart of Selangor state, in Peninsular Malaysia.
Some interesting places to visit:
Petronas Twin Towers (Suria KLCC), KL Tower, Petaling Street (Chinatown), National Museum, Central Market
Estimated population: 1,887,674
Geographical coordinates: 3° 7′ N, 101° 42′ E
Located south of Kuala Lumpur, this newly developed city is the home to most of Malaysia’s government offices.
Interesting places to visit:
Perdana Putra, Putra Bridge, Putra Mosque, Seri Wawasan Bridge
Estimated population: 50,000
Geographical coordinates: 2°55′ N, 101°40′ E
Penang (or Pulau Pinang)
Located on the northwest coast of Peninsular Malaysia, it is a paradise for culture and food lovers. Be sure to try the famous Asam Laksa, Chinese Dim Sum, and other Chinese food.
Interesting places to visit:
George Town, Kek Lok Si Temple, Penang Bridge, Snake Temple, War Museum, Fort Cornwallis, Penang Hill
Estimated population: 1,503,000
Geographical coordinates: 5° 25′ N, 100° 19′ E
Malacca (Melaka)
One of the oldest cities in Malaysia. It is famous for its rich history and multi-cultural community. Don’t forget to try some of the unique food such as Chicken Rice Ball, Satay Celup and other Peranakan delicacies.
Interesting places to visit:
A’ Farmosa Fort, St. Paul Hill, Jonker’s Walk, Portuguese Settlement Village, Muzium Budaya, Poh San Teng temple
Estimated population: 733,000
Geographical coordinates: 2° 11′ 49 N, 102° 14′ 53 E
Islands & Underwater World
Perhentian Islands (Pulau Perhentian)
Located in the state of Terengganu, it consists of 2 islands – Big Perhentian and Small Perhentian. Both the islands are part of the Pulau Redang National Marine Park, which means this place is a heaven for scuba divers and snorkelling fans.
Interesting things to do: Sunbathing, scuba diving, snorkelling, turtle and shark watching.
Geographical coordinates: 5° 55′ 0 N, 102° 43′ 60 E
Sipadan Island (Pulau Sipadan)
Located to the east of Tawau in Sabah state, this island was formed by living corals growing on top of an extinct volcano. This island has ample rare diving scenes and there is also a mysterious turtle tomb underneath the island. Voted by many divers as one of the best diving spots in the world.
Interesting things to do: Scuba diving, snorkelling, sunbathing
Geographical coordinates: 4° 6′ 52.86” N, 118° 37′ 43.52” E
National Park (Taman Negara)
Encompasses 3 states in Peninsular Malaysia namely Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu. This park is home to some rare mammals such as Indonchinese Tiger, the highly endangered Sumatran Rhinoceros, and Asian Elephant.
Estimated area: 4,343 km²
Interesting things to do: Enjoy the tropical rain forest, jungle trekking, bird watching, river views
Geographical coordinates: 4° 7′ N, 102° 46′ E
Kinabalu National Park (Taman Negara Kinabalu)
Located in Sabah, it covers around 750 square kilometres, surrounding the tallest mountain in Malaysia and South East Asia – Mount Kinabalu. One of the most popular tourist spots in Malaysia.
Estimated area: 754 km²
Interesting things to do: Enjoy the tropical rain forest, jungle trekking, mountain climbing, plants watching (home to rare plants such as Nepenthes rajah and Rafflesia)
Geographical coordinates: 6° 09′ N, 116° 39′ E
Gunung Mulu National Park (Taman Negara Gunung Mulu)
Located near Miri of Sarawak, it is the home to many incredible cave systems including world’s largest cave chamber. It is the favourite spot for cave adventurers, bat lovers and jungle trekkers.
Estimated area: 754 km²
Interesting things to do: Enjoy the tropical rain forest, jungle trekking (required for certain cave systems and the wondrous Pinnacle), cave adventuring, bats watching
Geographical coordinates: 4° 03′ N, 114° 56′ E
Places to visit in malaysia
Batu Feringgi
A number of beaches are stripped in line on the north coast of Penang in Malaysia. This strip of beaches is Batu Ferringhi. Tanjung Bungah and Teluk Bahang is situated adjacent to this strip. Here you will find memento stores, hotels, transport rental services. This beach was also influenced by The Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. There was no loss of any life as the guards on duty warned the people about the influx of tsunami.People here experience rainfall in the months from April to May and October to November. You can visit this place any time throughout the year as the temperature here is generally consistent. Here you will also find the art galleries and museums where the work of local artists is displayed. An antediluvian form of art called as Lion Dance that used to be performed by Chinese immigrants, now it has been performed in a typical Malaysian style. This art form is related with power, majesty, good luck and happiness. Now days it is performed on different occasions like inauguration ceremonies and Chinese New Year.
Melaka, formerly known as Malacca, is the one of the smallest states of Malaysia.Located in the region of the Malay Peninsula, it houses a population of about 700,000 inhabitants. The city is has developed into a commercial and economic centre, yet it has retained its pleasant charm.
Melaka enjoys a tropical climate. The temperature is warm and humid throughout the year, although it gets cooler in the evenings. The annual precipitation is spread across the year with irregular showers.
Despite being a small state, Melaka has grown rapidly in the past few years with manufacturing and tourism as the main economic sectors.
Sabah is a state in Malaysia which is situated in the northern region of the Borneo Island. Towards the south-west of Sabah lies the Sarawak state of Malaysia while towards its south is the province of East Kalimantan of Indonesia.Kota Kinabalu is the capital of Sabah. In Sabah, the western region is mountainous, the eastern and central regions have plains and lower mountain ranges. The population of this place was 3.387 million in 2007. Throughout the year, the climate is usually humid and the temperatures range from 25 degrees Celsius to the low thirties. The wet season is from November to April and there is 120 inches of annual rainfall. There are 30 different ethnic races in Sabah and these have more than 80 local dialects. The major indigenous groups are Murut, Bajau and Kadazan and also considerable populations of Indians, Malays and Chinese.
Shah Alam
Shah Alam, being the first developed city in Malaysia, is situated in Petaling and Klang districts of Selangor. Formerly, it was recognized as Sungai Renggam and later on it was named as Shah Alam by the Sultan of the state of Selangor, Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah in his late father’s name Sultan Alam Shah. This city was well-known for palm oil and rubber trade.Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Klang, Bangi and Kajang are located on the outer boundary of Shah Alam. It is situated at 25 km west from Kuala Lumpur and at the distance of 15 minutes from Subangs Kuala Lumpur International Airport. As per the records of 2005, 4, 33,400 people reside in Shah Alam, which in the year 2010 it is expected to rise up to 4, 94,400 people.In Shah Alam Gallery, different type of paintings and creative writings are displayed. The culture of Shah Alam is nurtured through games and performing dances and craftsmanship. People in Shah Alam experience the average temperature of 24°C to 33°C.
George Town
George Town (known as Tanjung in the Malay language) is the capital city of the Malaysian State of Penang.
The city has been listing as a Unesco World Heritage Site since 7 July 2008 due to its unique architectural and cultural tracts.
George Town is today a vibrant city with about 220,000 inhabitants.
Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur is the stunning capital of Malaysia. The city, defined by its colourful culture and rich natural reserves, is also Malaysia’s largest city. Having achieved its city status in 1972, Kuala Lumpur is now a prosperous city housing about two million people.
Kuala Lumpur is characterised by an equatorial climate, which is tepid and sunny throughout the year. However, the nights are pleasant as the temperature drops a few degrees. The city receives plentiful rainfall, especially from April to September.
Kuala Lumpur witnessed two world wars and the economic decline in the late 1990s to develop into Malaysia’s political and commercial capital. Also, it is the only city in the world which has a million-year-old forest area within the core of its existence.
Penang is a Malaysian state located in the Malay Peninsula. It is also referred to as the ‘Pearl of the Orient’, although it actually means ‘island of a betel nut tree’. With over one million inhabitants, Penang is the eighth most populated state in Malaysia.
It is characterised by an equatorial climate which is consistent throughout the year. The weather stays warm and clear with brief but abundant rainfall from June to September. The humidity is tempered by cool breezes with the surrounding sea influencing the climate to a great extent.
Penang was originally a part of the Malay kingdom before it became a free port in the 1960s. Today, Penang is one of the most competent economies of Malaysia with manufacturing as its major industry sector.
Sarawak is a Malaysian state located towards the north-west of the island of Borneo.
Sarawak is the biggest state in Malaysia and is spread over 37.5 percent land of Malaysia. At present, it is made up of 11 Administrative divisions. This state can be divided into 3 natural regions.
There is a mountainous region along the border with the Murut and Kelabit highlands in the north. Most of the towns and cities are constructed in the hilly region. The coastal region is a flat region with wet environments and swamps.
As per the 2007 census, the population was 2.5 million. This state has about 40 sub-ethnic groups and each of these have a distinctive culture, lifestyle and language. In the larger towns and cities, one mainly finds Chinese, Melanaus and Malays along with a minority of Bidayuhs and Ibans.
There is an equatorial climate in this region and throughout the year it is hot and humid. In the early hours of the morning, the mean daily temperature is 23 degrees Celsius and in the day it rises to 32 degrees Celsius.
Johor Bahru
Johor Bahru is situated in southern Malaysia and is the capital city of Johor. It is located on the Straits of Johor that separate Singapore and Malaysia and is within walking distance from Singapore.As per the 2006 census, the population of the city was 0.876 million. This number is divided into Malay, Chinese, Indian and other minority people.The five prominent dialects of Chinese are the Hainanese, Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka and Teochew. The temperature in this city varies from 23.25 to 32.05 degrees Celsius. The rainfall ranges from 333 to 1206 mm per month.
Langkawi comprises 99 islands and is located in the Andaman Sea. It lies in the region of Kedah in Malaysia. Translated from the regional language, Langkawi means ‘reddish brown eagle’. It has a multi-racial society with a population of over 60,000 inhabitants.
Langkawi enjoys an equatorial climate with two major seasons. The dry season, from November to March, has pleasant weather with regular breeze. During the wet season, the precipitation ranges from light showers to heavy downpours accompanied with thunder and lightning.
Historically, Langkawi has a mysterious past of a princess and her curse which supposedly induced the attack by Thais, destroying all settlements in the region. However, the once inactive village now has an active agro-based economic life with rubber and fisheries being the major industries.
Petaling Jaya
Formerly, Petaling Jaya was considered to be the satellite city of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. This place, being situated in the district of Petaling in Selangor, was declared as a city on 20th June 2006.People here experience rains from the months of September to April and heavy rainfalls in the months from October to January. You will also experience the rain showers even in the driest seasons of May to July. Here are some important points to keep in mind while visiting to Petaling Jaya. People, at this place, follow very strict rules in case of littering. On littering, you can be charged from few hundred Ringgits to thousands.
Selangor, in Malaysia, is also known as Darul Ehsan. With a population of over four million residents, Selangor is said to be the richest and most industrialised of all Malaysian states. It was declared as a developed state in the year 2005.
The climate of Selangor is tropical in nature with tepid, sunny days and cool nights all year round. The state receives irregular rainfall throughout the year with January and February receiving the most. The humidity levels are also high in this part of Malaysia.
Selangor has a colourful history which dates back to the sixteenth century. With Port Klang, the largest port in Malaysia situated here, the state has since developed into a rapidly growing economy. The diverse economy is mainly based on tin, rubber, agriculture and tourism.


Places to visit maldives
Ari Atoll
Ari Atoll can be referred to as a natural atoll located in Maldives. It’s, in fact, one amongst the largest atolls situated on the western side of archipelago. The nearly rectangular alignment goes on to spread the ‘islands’ over the area of around 30 X 89 kilometers. This place has been separated in to 2 sections; of course for ‘administrative purposes’. These are: Southern Ari Atoll and Northern Ari Atoll. The former one comprises of ‘105’ islands. Ari Atoll has been a part of zone which has been designated with regards to tourist development within Maldives.This place has monsoon type of climate. However, it should be noted that being located on equator, monsoons aren’t severe and well-defined like in adjoining nations. South-west monsoons (May-October), bring certain wind and rain. The temperature on an average is around 28.1 degree Celsius. Winter, i.e. the period between November and February is the best one to visit Ari Atoll.
Kulhudhuffushi can be described as capital of ‘Haa Dhaalu Atoll’ administrative division. From the geographical point of view, it’s a portion of Thiladhummati Atoll on the northern side of Maldives. This island is amongst the largest and most densely populated islands in Maldives. Having worked in ‘cargo vessels’ and shark fishing are basic sources of income over here. This place had been affected by storms and heavy rain in the years 1812, 1819, and 1921; thereby having caused substantial damages. Keylakunu storm also caused great damages to Kulhudhuffushi.Kadhaa Mali is a popular folk-dance over here. Its performance gets initiated by beating of drums ; along with a ‘Kadhaa’; which can be mentioned as an instrument consisting of copper plate and copper rod. Costumes go on to depict diverse styles of ghosts and evil spirits. Such evil spirits get mentioned as ‘Maali’.
Hithadhoo can be described as capital of ‘Seenu Atoll’; which is the most ‘southerly’ atoll with regards to Maldives. It ranks second in terms of population; the first being ‘Male’. Southern region consists of shrubs and palms; whereas whole of north depicts as partly stony and unreal shrub landscape; that can get exploredon extremely close paths. The above-mentioned town, i.e. Hithadhoo Town comes up as place with bent houses, green vegetation, close lanes, and dusty roads. Multicolored driving prevails on roads; especially if loads of children wait in diverse school uniforms of theirs after conclusion of school. Hithadhoo happens to be the 2nd most developed island all over Maldives.
Malé is the capital of the Republic of Maldives and is regarded as one of the smallest capitals of the world in terms of physical size. The city, an exotic blend of ethnicity and modern values, is a place with high-rise buildings and good infrastructure. Malé, pronounced ‘Maa-lay’, is home to over 80,000 inhabitants.
Distinguished by a tropical climate, which ranges from humid to dry, Malé boasts of pleasant weather for most of the year. Monsoons make their presence felt from March through November. The climate is largely influenced by the monsoon winds.
Formerly, Malé was an enclosed city with numerous forts but it was remodelled to become an urban centre of trade. Today, the city is a commercially active zone with tourism being the largest industry, followed by fishing and agriculture.
Ihuru can be referred to as an island located in Maldives. The present scenario is such that Ihuru is known as ‘Angsana Resort and Spa Maldives Ihuru’. Moreover, this island was opened in the year 2001 on the first day of October.Majority of visitors are of the opinion that Ihuru is nothing but one of the gems that has been lost in Indian Ocean. Naturally, it’s round, as far as shape is concerned; with beach surrounding it from every side. It’s exceptionally good with regards to snorkeling.In Angsana Spa, one would be amaze with loads of non-clinical and holistic treatments which emphasize on use of aromatherapy as well as sense of touch for rejuvenating the body, mind, and spirit. As many as 6 treatment rooms have been offered by this island; apart from 2 deluxe rooms. Steam baths are also provided with. When recreation of ‘Angsana resort’ comes in to picture, house reef cannot be missed out.
Thinadhoo can be described as capital of ‘Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll’. Moreover, it’s proposed capital with regards to Maldives’ Medhu-Dhekunu province. This place has Dhivehi dialect of its own; which seems to be drastically different as compared to mid-Maldivian and northern speech. This island had primarily been known as ‘Havaru Thinadhoo’. Also, it had been conventional seat with respect to Huvadhu Atoll Chief. Literal meaning of ‘Havaru’ is ‘Military’.In the year 1962, Havaru Thinadhoo got fully destroyed as per orders issued by Ibrahim Nasir, the then Prime Minister. The objective was to put an end to United Suvadive Republic’s separatist movement. The resettlement, however, took place in the year 1966 on 22nd of August by around 1800 people. Reconstruction of around 440 households took place. On 27th of June, 1979, this island was renamed ‘Thinadhoo’.
Famous places of maldives
Kaafu (Malé) Atoll – NorthMalé
The capital of the Maldives, Malé, is situated close to the airport on the southern point of the North Malé Atoll. Although accommodation is available, very few foreign visitors stay in the capital; even those doing business normally stay in one of the nearby resort islands and travel to Malé by boat. The capital has several shops which sell examples of local handicrafts and imported goods. Other attractions include the Mulee-aage, a former palace; National Museum, located in the Sultan’s Park with a superb collection of artifacts including Sultanese thrones and palanquins; the fish and vegetable markets; the beautiful 17th-century Hukuru (or Friday Mosque); and the Islamic Center, with its magnificent golden dome. There are over 20 other mosques scattered around Malé.
Covering a land area of 60,680 sq m (653,160 sq ft) and with a beach length of 1024m (3360ft), this oval-shaped island is located approximately one hour by boat from the airport. One side of the island is full of corals, within 3 to 6m (10 to 20ft) of the shallow beach, perfect for snorkeling and diving lessons, whilst the other side is a superb beach ideal for swimming and water-skiing.
East of Baros is the island of Bandos, one of the larger resorts whose accommodation consists of well-furnished beach bungalows with a view of the beach. There is a particularly good diving school; one of the attractions is a dive down to the aptly-named Shark Point.
Situated on the east side of the North Malé Atoll, Hudhuveli is, like Bandos and Vaadhu, operated by Deen’s Orchid Agency. It is a modern beach resort with single-unit bungalows with straw roofing and freshwater showers.
This small island is exceedingly beautiful and much photographed. The accommodation consists of simple bungalows.
A tiny island covering an area of half a square mile, Kurumba is 15 minutes by boat from the airport and 10 minutes from Malé. There are conference facilities, swimming pools, gymnasia and jacuzzis, as well as five restaurants. Most watersports can be arranged, including scuba diving; the colorful fish in the lagoon will eat out of your hand.
Situated on the west side of the North Malé Atoll and boasting the country’s largest lagoon, Nakatchafushi is perhaps one of the most photographed of all the islands. Located on the western side of the Malé Atoll, it is 24km (15 miles) from the airport (travel time - approximately 90 minutes). The lagoon is perfect for watersports and a long strip of sand at the western end of the island is a haven for beachcombers. There is also a swimming pool.
Full Moon (Furana)
This resort can be reached in 20 minutes from the airport. The resort’s deep lagoon makes it a favorite base for visiting yachts. It also boasts a gymnasium, a business center and five restaurants.
The island of Giraavaru lies 11km (7 miles) west of the airport. It can be reached by speed boat (travel time – 15 minutes) or by normal transfer boat (travel time – 45 minutes). The well-appointed rooms face either a tropical garden or have a view of the Indian Ocean.
Reethi Rah
An untouched and beautiful island on the northwest of the North Malé Atoll. Thatched bungalows and 10 water bungalows built on stilts over the lagoon are influenced by local architectural styles without missing any of the modern comforts.
This island is reached by a two-hour voyage from the airport. It is one of the most expensive resorts and one that is renowned for its food. The Maldivian-run island probably provides the best anchorage of any resort and always has yachts for charter. It is protected on all sides by a beautiful lagoon. The accommodation consists of individual thatched bungalows situated in coconut groves leading down to the beach.
Kanifinolhu (Kani)
The island of Kanifinolhu (Kani) is on the eastern edge of the North Malé Atoll. The seas around the island boast some of the best inside reefs in the country, and the protection provided by the external reef makes diving possible even in the roughest conditions. The style of the accommodation is influenced by local and oriental design and some rooms have air conditioning. The island has a desalination plant for fresh water.
Other resorts
The resorts of Farukolhufushi (Club Med) and Thulhaagiri have superb facilities for watersports. Both have a swimming pool and Thulhaagiri has one windsurfing board for every twin-bedded room. Club Med has a qualified team organizing sport and leisure activities during the day and in the evening. Summer Island Village offers 93 air-conditioned rooms in an idyllic tropical setting. Other highly regarded North Malé resorts are Boduhithi and the neighboring Kudahithi and, closer to the airport, Lhohifushi, which has a beautiful lagoon and a wide range of watersport facilities. Kudahithi, one of the most expensive resorts in the Maldives, has only six units – excellent for small, private groups.
Kaafu (Malé) Atoll – South
Still in the Malé (Kaafu) Atoll, but to the south of the airport, are a further score of resorts. Notable among these are Biyadhoo and Villivaru which are 33km (21 miles) from the airport. Both are owned and managed by the Taj Group from India.
Coco Island
The nearby Coco Island has only eight two-story thatched huts, all of which are beautifully furnished. Private groups can rent the entire resort.
Veligandu Huraa (Palm Tree Island) and Dhigufinolhu
To the east of Coco Island, these ‘twin’ islands are connected by a causeway across the lagoon. The latter is the livelier of the two, with more rooms and more in the way of entertainment: Veligandu Huraa has individual bungalows and a more intimate atmosphere. They are only a gentle stroll away from each other should one feel the need for a change of mood.
South of Coco Island is Kandooma, where flowering shrubs surround chalet-style accommodation. Trips can be arranged to the nearby fishing village.
Bodufinolhu (Fun Island)
Located on the south eastern reef of the South Malé Atoll, this island is ringed with a massive lagoon and connected to two uninhabited islets which can be reached on foot at low tide. All rooms are on the beachfront with en suite bathrooms, air conditioning, IDD telephones and hot and cold desalinated water.
Embudu Village
Located 11km (7 miles) from the airport in South Malé Atoll, this resort offers 36 non-air-conditioned bungalows, 72 air-conditioned bungalows and 16 deluxe bungalows built over the lagoon. It boasts a house reef as well as two wrecks, caves and drop offs.
This diving paradise, on the north tip of the South Malé Atoll and about 45 minutes by taxi boat and 20 minutes by speedboat from the airport, has a fully-equipped diving school. There are 31 cabana-style rooms on this island whose features include freshwater showers, and which reflect the high level of capital investment which has been made in the resort.
Other Atolls
Most of the other resorts are to be found in the North and South Malé Atolls, but there are also several others, most in the northern island groups (see map).
Alifu (Ari) Atoll
Resorts in the Alifu (Ari) Atoll, which is to the west of Malé with 26 resorts, include Kuramathi, a relatively large island which has first-class facilities and offers an excellent beach, superb diving, windsurfing, water-skiing, parasailing and night fishing and has three resorts. Aribeach is a 121-room resort offering standard and superior accommodation with hot and cold fresh water, air conditioning and a superb range of scuba diving and watersport facilities. Nika Island is a small, away-from-it-all, upmarket, 25-room resort offering clients some of the most comfortable boats in the Maldives. Fesdu is situated in the heart of the atoll rather than on the periphery. Accommodation consists of 50 thatched round-houses, all of which are close to the beach. Angaga, also in Ari Atoll, is small and impressively constructed in traditional Maldivian style and with air-conditioned rooms and fresh hot and cold water. Among other resorts are Bathala, Ellaidoo, Gangehi, Halaveli, Maayaafushi, Machchafushi and Madoogali. Several others are under construction or have recently opened and there are now 23 resorts in the Ari Atoll.
Baa Atoll
The Baa Atoll is about 130km (80 miles) northwest of the capital, one of the few places where traditional arts and crafts are still practiced, and now home to five resorts. The atoll’s coral reefs are in pristine condition and are famous for the large number of mantas and reef sharks visiting during the southwest monsoon (May to July). The resorts of Reethi Beach and Coco Palm are both 5-star, each with over 100 rooms divided into three categories of luxurious villas. There are five restaurants, a fully equipped gym and even squash and tennis courts. Unlike other islands, Baa has its own in-house doctor. Transfer is a 30-minute journey by sea plane or helicopter from the airport. The Soneva Fushi resort, situated on Kunfunadhoo Island, has 62 villas, all scattered along the beach front on both sides of the island. It is situated 121km (75 miles) north of Malé airport (travel time – 25 to 30 minutes by Hummingbird Island Airways). Soneva Fushi has two main restaurants, both offering interior and exterior dining with local and international cuisine. The atoll’s other resort is Royal Island, which has facilities for a wide range of watersports, a health spa and a professional dive school.
To the north of the North Kaafu Atoll is Lhaviani Atoll with the fairly simple 250-bungalow Kuredhdhoo resort, essentially a spot for the besotted diver. Immediately south of the South Kaafu Atoll is the Vaavu Atoll, with some of the best diving in the entire archipelago. A well established, long-popular resort, especially among visiting Italians, is the 70-bungalow Alimatha. Most tourism is in the northern atolls, but Seenu, the southernmost atoll of the archipelago (situated south of the equator), is known to many as the site of a former RAF staging post in Gan. It provides tourist accommodation at the Ocean Reef Club. There is a regular, heavily booked domestic flight between Malé and Gan.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Top ten places to visit london
British Museum
The famous British Museum exhibits the works of man from prehistoric to modern times from around the world. Famous objects include the Rosetta Stone, Parthenon sculptures and the Portland Vase. Entry to the museum is free but special exhibitions require tickets.
Tate Modern
The impressive Tate Modern is Britain's national museum of modern art. Housed in the former Bankside Power Station on the banks of the River Thames, the gallery displays major works by Matisse and Picasso as well as contemporary work, exhibitions and installations.
National Gallery
The National Gallery houses one of the greatest collections of European painting. With paintings ranging from 1250 to 1900, it features work by Botticelli, da Vinci, Rembrandt, Turner and Van Gogh. Entry to the gallery is free but special exhibitions require tickets.
Natural History Museum
As well as the permanent dinosaur exhibition, the museum boasts a collection of the biggest, tallest and rarest animals in the world. See a life-sized Blue Whale, a 40-million-year-old spider and the Darwin Centre. Entry to the museum is free but exhibitions require tickets.

The London Eye
The London Eye is a major feature of London's skyline. It is the world's highest observation wheel and offers passengers spectacular views of over 55 of London's most famous landmarks - all in just 30 minutes.

Science Museum
See, touch and experience the major scientific advances of the last 300 years at the largest museum of its kind in the world. The Science Museum has over 40 galleries and 2000 hands-on exhibits, step into the future in the Wellcome Wing, visit the IMAX cinema and virtual reality simulator.
Victoria & Albert Museum
The V&A celebrates art and design and is home to 3,000 years worth of amazing artefacts from many of the world's richest cultures. See ceramics, furniture, fashion, jewellery, photos, sculpture, textiles and paintings. Entry to the museum is free but exhibitions require tickets.
Madame Tussauds
At Madame Tussauds, you'll come face-to-face with some of the world’s most famous faces. From Shakespeare to Britney you'll meet influential figures from showbiz, sport, politics and even Royalty. Sing along with Kylie; strike a penalty with Rooney or receive a once-in-a-lifetime audience with Her Majesty the Queen.
The Tower of London
Take a guided tour with one of the Yeoman Warders around one of the most famous fortified buildings in the world. Discover its 900 year history as a royal palace and fortress, prison and place of execution, mint, arsenal, menagerie and jewel house.
National Maritime Museum
One of the greatest maritime museums of the world containing models, displays, paintings and trophies from every continent of the world. Children find plenty to engage them in the All Hands gallery and have a go on the professional ship simulator.

Tower of London
The Tower of London, a historic fortress and once a prison, is the city's most spectacular and popular attraction.
.Buckingham Palace, Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey
.St. Paul's, Covent Garden, The Temple, City of London
Along the north bank of the Thames, you will find the Strand and the City of London, which include the ancient heart of the city and its financial and legal centers. St Paul's Cathedral is one of London's must-see attractions, as is the Temple Church, a central plot-location in Dan Brown's DaVinci Code. Covent Garden, another of the area's highlights, is known for touristy shopping in a frenetic, but fun outdoor market.
.London Eye, Tate Modern, Globe Theater, Imperial War Museum
You will find a number of interesting attractions located on the South Bank of the Thames River. We recommend visiting: the London Eye (an enormous Ferris Wheel that is London's most popular new destination), the Tate Modern Art Museum, the Imperial War Museum and Shakespeare's Globe Theater. If you do visit these attractions, you will have experienced: the best view of London, an internationally renowed art gallery, a provocative museum on war and warfare, and one the of the most famous theaters in the world..
.Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, National Gallery, Oxford Street
These attractions are found in a compact area of London known as Mayfair and the West End. Our guide to sightseeing Mayfair describes the attractions listed above, as well as shopping at: Regent Street, the Dover Street Market and Shepherd Market. Mayfair is regarded as one of the most exciting areas in London and we expect you will spend quite a bit of time exploring its attractions. In addition to the National Gallery, you will find London's famous National Portrait Gallery right next door. ·
.Kensington Palace, Harrods, the Science Museum, the Natural History Museum
The sightseeing attractions listed above are located in the areas of London known as Kensington and Knightsbridge. These areas of London are glorious, glamorous and educational. In addition to the attractions mentioned above, we cover the Victoria and Albert Museum and shopping in Beauchamp Place.
.British Museum, British Library
The Bloomsbury section of London is the home to two incredible treasures: the British Museum and the British Library. The British Museum is one of the world's great museums and a trip to the British Library is a treat for anyone interested in the printed word. ·
.Madame Tassaud's, Regent Park, 221b Baker Street, Abbey Road Studios
Our Guide to the Marylebone area covers : Madame Tassaud's, Regent's Park, 221 B Baker Street (the supposed residence of Sherlock Holmes) and the Abbey Road Studios (famous as a recording studio for the Beatles). While these attractions are not for everyone, they have a devoted clientele.
.London's Street Markets I
f you like wandering and bargain hunting, London's street markets may be just the place for you. If shopping is not on your agenda, tag along anyway, as these interesting areas are great for people watching and offer yet another view of London's complex culture.